Initial thoughts: I don't really have one, it's one of the those I don't recall listening to before today, so I hope I'm pleasantly surprised.
First & second run: that outfit, eeeek, it's like parts Poli Genova circa 2016 but they decided to stop paying the designer midway through. Domi's not looking at all into the camera as it starts, and she's aided heavily by the vocal sound effects. This looks and sounds awfully amateurish to me, there's barely any interaction with the other We Are's and the vocals are so off..ouch! Probably the worst rehearsal I've seen this cycle, sorry.
Second run is a bit better, the vocals aren't as patchy and there's a very cool stage effect when she sings "Lights Off", like a sound and visual effect of the lights actually turning off (I wish!).
Qualification: 👎 I don't see it based on this train wreck, but the odds seem to disagree so we'll see.