Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Austria won!! The internet says so.

You -may- have heard it somewhere else already, but we can confirm it: All over Russia people are shaving their beards.

But we also want congratulate Austria with their second win, after 48 years! In what was one of the closest votings in years, Conchita Wurst emerged victorious and brought the trophy to the alpine country.

What remains after this fabulous 59th edition is to minimise the onset of Post-Eurovision Depression (P.E.D.). That black hole with a nagging lack of glitter, key change and television shows with snazzy led-backgrounds.

A good way to counter the ill effects of P.E.D. is of course to rewatch some of the shows.
You can always rewatch it through Eurovision.tv, a stream without commentary, but you may also enjoy the Irish commentary. You can rewatch that for the next fortnight via their rteplayer.ie service.
If anyone has access to it, we are VERY interested in the Australian commentary, with comedienne Julia Zemiro. So let us know!

Apart from watching endless repeats of your favourite event, you can also relisten to the special online radio channel BBC Radio 2 Eurovision, with many interviews and of course lots of Eurovision music. But be quick, it'll all be over in one week.

It can also be interesting to read what the rest of world thinks of Eurovision.
Some do give the facts a cringing spin, such as HBO's Last Week Tonight.

Oh well. At least he introduces Eurovision to a wider audience, which is always a plus. Also doing their bit to make Eurovision better known across the pond, is Buzzfeed. You may remember them from their hilarious post about the 2013 contest. The 11 Most Absurd Moments Of Eurovision 2013 And their general post about Eurovision in general. Everything Non-Europeans Need To Know About Eurovision This year, they also had a go and it's nice to see that they genuinely love it! 30 Amazing Things I Learnt At Eurovision 2014 The website OverthinkingIt.com also reviewed a few of this year's entries, though not as much as last year.

Another guide about Eurovision comes from TheWire, where they give the average, unsuspecting American a crash course to our beloved contest. They also had someone writing a liveblog during this year's final, which you can re-read here. And then there's those who just want to have a laugh. Dutch Luckytv.nl had a field week and his Conchita-montage was the one of the funniest on the web. Flemish comedy collective Neveneffecten had some current affairs fun too, as Vladimir Putin was secretly filmed at home. We're still waiting for Scandinavia and The World to make their annual Eurovision comic. This one's from last year. (EDIT: They have finally released it!!) For more snigger-reading there's several tens of thousands of #Eurovision tweets to go through. If you find any gold nuggets there, please post them under this article or on the Messageboard! Finally we'd like to thank you, dear reader, for visiting our little live blog from Copenhagen. We hope you enjoyed our reporting as much as we enjoyed writing it. If you're new to our website, please discover our message board. It is a very active little community, teeming with life even during the looming off-season, and it is THE BEST remedy against any bout of P.E.D. and helps to bridge the coming quiet months. Before you know it, the 2015 on-season will be here again, and our team will be ready to report from Austria! Until then, good bye!