Wednesday, 8 May 2013

More on the Irish party

That was a good party. Nice food, as you can see in Jonas' post, lots of cider and some Irish Coffee (we'll never sleep now. Ah well).

An Irish Trad band did some Trad music (what a real Irish person would call "tourist music" because they don't actually listen to it), with the help of Ryan's drummers, who were scattered all over the pub looking for attendants who weren't clapping properly.

Our own Sam was the one they named and shamed.

Then Ryan performed his song - vocally solid, that's what I could pick up from where I was. The Moldovans were having a great time, while Nina Žižić was watching it with a rather unimpressed expression throughout the performance - or is this the Montenegrin way of having a good time? Ok, this isn't really interesting, I just like writing Nina Žižić.

Finally, we asked Ryan what he thinks the hamster (as shown in Sild's earlier rehearsal post) was doing. He thinks the hamster is "hovering" - great answer, really. Obviously Ryan is more than just a good singer/songwriter.


  1. I was clapping properly though :(

    1. It's your word against the Irish dancer's.

    2. I'd be a little scared to argue with those arms...
